Our services


We provide a wide range of professional services to meet your needs. We promise to provide every service with a smile and to your highest level of satisfaction. 

Leather cleaning & Restoration

Further to our other skills and qualifications we are also trained and experienced in the world of leather restoration.

With it being such a varied subject with numerous elements to it we have a dedicated website to the industry.

Don't be fooled when someone says anyone can clean or repair leather, trust us when we say we have had to go and rectify many DIY or amateur attempts which makes the job far more costly to put right.

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Insect Problems

Do you have a problem with fleas, carpet moth or any other small crawling/flying creatures around your property?

As per the law for administering pesticides, we are trained and licensed to carry out this work and hold the T.I.P (Textile Insect Pest) number 012745/204.

People who are not trained and not licenced are not allowed by law to apply pesticides in return for payment. There is nothing technically unlawful for the home owner to apply their own pesticides for their own purposes, but clearly knowing what you are dealing with goes a long way to preventing a disaster from happening.

All the following we are qualified and trained to carry out

*Carpet Cleaning
*Upholstery Cleaning
*Leather Restoration, Cleaning & Colouring
*Textile Insect Pest
*Carpet stain removal
*Carpet stain protection application

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We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 
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